Are you an incoming or returning Georgetown student interested in auditioning for the GraceNotes? Below are some FAQs about the audition process!
Look out for our table at the CAB Fair and more!
Auditions: TBD!
You will arrive at the audition to get introduced to the group. We'll
tell you a little bit about ourselves, sing for you, warm you up, and
teach you a small excerpt of a song. This should take no more than
45 minutes total! At the end of our intro session, you'll sign up for an
individual 10-minute slot later that day for your actual audition.
The individual audition process will look like this:
1) You'll introduce yourself and take a second to collect your thoughts.
2) Our Musical Directors will take you up and down some scales to warm you up and get a sense of your range.
3) We'll do some pitch matching. MDs will play a series of notes and you'll sing them back to us (you don't need to prepare in advance for this!).
4) You'll sing the excerpt from the song we taught you along with a couple of other GraceNotes. This helps us get a sense of your blend with the group.
5) You'll sing your audition piece! Just a verse and chorus of any song (except musical theater or Disney) you think shows off your voice will be great :) Please refrain from musical theatre.
And that's it! If you make it to the next round, you'll be notified early the following week. We'll ask you to attend callbacks and go through a similar process, singing a second song that shows off another side of your voice.
We want to make this process as easy as possible for you, so if you ever have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to contact the group or any individual members on our social media accounts or at gracenotes@georgetown.edu.